Artisan-crafted homespun yarn made in Missouri, USA.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Monday, March 2, 2009
Pattern: Ozark French Wrap

Photo by: Joyce Eveler
GAUGE: 3 sts. = 1”
4 skeins of Ozark Opulent in Black Sparkle
#17 needle
With a #19 needle cast on 1 st in Opulent. Increase one in the next st. Knit 2. Knitting every row, increase one st each side every third row. Repeat until there are 28 sts. Continue until it measures 60” or desired length.
For tab, cast on 8 sts and knit 4 rows. Bind off loosely.
Finishing: Try wrap on as shown in photo. It should cross over on the right or left side. Place tab lengthwise appropriate to where you want the crossover and sew each short end into place. To wear, pull the pointed end through the tab until wrap fits snugly around your shoulders.
Design by Carol Porter for Ozark Handspun, January, 2009
Printing Instructions: To print this pattern click Ozark_French_Wrap.pdf.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Pattern: Ozark Opulent Kimono

Photo by: Joyce Eveler
4 Ozark Opulent (shown in Cinderella)
2 Ozark Companion (shown in Purple Passion)
#15 circular needles
24” wide by 19” long
GAUGE 2 sts = 1’
Back:With #15 circular needles cast on 48 sts in Opulent. Knit back in Companion. For each row, go back to wherever the previous yarn is. Alternating the Companion and the Opulent, knit the purl rows and purl the knit rows. Before beginning the row it is helpful to pull down the yarn to see the previous row more clearly so you will know whether to knit or to purl. Continue for 10”. On a row with both yarns at the same place, (otherwise cut one and retie it on), Cast on 24 sts. Work across the row and then using the knit cast on method, cast on another 24 sts for a total of 96. Work another 9” and then bind off. (Alternatively you may place 41 sts on a holder, BO 14 sts, place 41 sts on a holder and knit the shoulders together after finishing the front.)
Front: Cast on 25 sts and knit following directions above for 10”. Cast on 24 sts and continue for 7”. Bind off 3 sts at neck edge, followed by 2 sts 2 times. Come as close as you can to every other row. You may have to cut your yarn and retie it on to make the decreases work because of the method used in this pattern, At 19” bind off. Repeat for other side reversing shaping. (Alternatively, knit 41 remaining sts together with the back.)
Finishing: With an #I crochet hook, double the Companion and single crochet, chain one around the entire jacket and sleeves, skipping sts as needed to keep tension correct. To tighten the neck skip every 3rd st. Check the crochet at this point. If the tension is okay, Change to an #H and a single strand of Companion. SC under the outer half of the previous SC, chain 1 as directed above. If you need to tighten the neck further, do it with this row.
Optional Flower: With the Companion, cast on 11 sts. Rows 1, 2, 5, and 6, knit. Rows 3 and 7, bind off 8 sts, knit to the end with 3 sts remaining. Row 4, knit 3 and use the knit method to cast on 8 sts. Repeat rows 4-7 25 more tines. BO all sts on row 7. Stack into a tight circle and baste in place. Thread a large needle with the opulent. Bring up through the back. Wind around needle 3-4 times and put needle through to the back for a French knot. Since the Opulent is so thick you may need to improvise a bit. Place on jacket, try it on and sew in place.
Pattern: Ozark Sublime Waves

Photo by: Joyce Eveler
Gauge: 2.25 sts = 1”
3 Skeins Ozark Opulent
3 Skeins Ozark Companion
1 Pair US Size 15 circular knitting needles
Sweater: Cast on 84 sts in Opulent with a #15 circular needle (alternatively 42 sts on a straight needle). Place marker at the beginning of the first row. Work one row in Companion followed by one row in Opulent. Knit the purl rows and purl the knit rows. Until you become accustomed to this pattern you may want to pull down the previous row a bit to see if it is a knit or a purl because sometimes the opulent may look like a purl when it is actually a knit.
At 4” work 8 sts, then knit or purl 2 tog.until the end of the row (76 sts).
At 8”. increase one st every 9th st 8 times (84 sts.) This decrease and increase may be omitted but it just gives a slight shaping to the sweater which is very flattering.
At 10”, work 42 sts and put on holder. With remaining 42 sts on needle, cast on 4 sts each side 4 times. This may involve some cutting and tying. Continue until sweater measures 19” and bind off loosely. Go back and pick up remaining 42 sts from the holder and repeat directions for the other side.
Waves: With #15 needle cast on 12 sts in Companion doubled. As dye lots may vary, it is important to start with one strand of the last of the Companion used in the sweater and one strand of a new skein. Add the third skein as you finish the first. Knit every row until you reach at least 75”-85”. You will need length to work the “waves”.
Finishing: Weave the underarms and the shoulders together. Mark the middle of the Wave and pin it to one shoulder seam. Play with placing the waves around the collar. Do this as irregularly as possible, angling some of the waves in a diagonal. Before you tack any in place, try the sweater on and make adjustments. Then simply tack the waves in place. Doing this as closely as possible to the bottom of the wave will help it to stand up.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Pattern: Ozark Sublime Wave Purse

3 Skeins Ozark Opulent
1 Skein Ozark Companion
1 Pair US Size 15 circular knitting needles
13¼” x 22” plastic canvas (available at Michael’s)
Purse: With a #15 circular needle cast on 45 sts in Opulent. Purl one row in Companion. Continue in stockinette alternating one row each of Opulent and Companion until you have used all the Opulent. The purse should be about 32” long. Wash this piece in hot water to felt it. Pull to shape and lay flat to dry.
Wave: With a #15 needle, cast on 10 sts. Knit every row for about 38”. This should be about right for your waves, but you can certainly knit it longer if you prefer.
Finishing: Cut the plastic canvas so that it is just slightly shorter than the purse and 1” less wide on each side. Fold the purse to determine where you want the folds and mark them. Lay the plastic piece on the wrong side of the purse. Then place the felted piece so there is about 1” on each side of the plastic for the body of the purse, ½” for the flap. Sew the plastic to the felt all the way around. Sew the sides of the purse together to form the body, push to the inside of the purse forming a small tuck at the top so the flap folds over smoothly. Whipstitch the tuck.
Pin the wave in place. Do this as irregularly as possible with some waves being diagonal.
One thing to bear in mind is that this is an envelope purse and you want to be comfortable carrying it; so don’t place the wave too close to the edge of the flap. When you have the waves the way you want them, tack them in place. Cut lining to fit and sew in. Now wait for the compliments to roll in.
Pattern: Ozark So Opulent Scarf

2 Skeins Ozark Opulent Yarn
1 Skein Ozark Companion Yarn
1 Pair US Size 17 circular knitting needles
Cast on 12 sts in Opulent on a #17 needle. Purl the next row in Companion. Continue to alternate the two yarns and knitting purl rows and purling knit rows. Continue for at least 60”. You will have enough Opulent to make it longer if you want.
Knitting Tip: Until you become accustomed to this pattern, you may want to pull down the previous row a bit to see if it is a knit or a purl row because sometimes the Opulent may hide the row to make it look like a purl when it is actually a knit.
Designed by Carol Porter for Ozark Handspun, January, 2009
Printing Instructions: To print this pattern click Ozark_So_Opulent_Scarf.pdf.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Pattern: Ozark Feather Vest

Photo by: Joyce Eveler
3 skeins of Ozark Opulent in Overblack, Dark Natural, and Light Natural
1 Pair US Size 19 knitting needles
Natural feathers (2-3”long)
With a #19 needle cast on 62 sts. in Overblack. Knit every row until skein is finished and then tie on the skein of Dk Natural followed by the Light Natural. Knit for 10.5”. Knit 16 sts. and put on holder. Knit remaining 46 sts. Put last 16 sts. on holder. Cut yarn and tie on to the middle 30 sts (the back). Bind off 2 sts each side, followed by 1 st each side. Knit for a total of 19”. Bind off loosely. Tie yarn on to one side of the front and bind off 2 sts , followed by one st at armhole edge. At 17” , bind off 3 sts at neck edge, followed by 2 sts. twice (6 sts.)
Crochet around neck edge and armholes to tighten them up slightly.
Feathers are available from the Feather Place, 213-291-3253, Use 2”-3” natural brown feathers and glue the darkest ones in the Overblack, the medium brown ones in the Dk Natural, and the lightest in the Lt Natural. The feathers may be glued in place with Aleene’s Fabric Fusion Glue. Hold each in place to let the glue dry for a minute. If you cannot find feathers this short, you can cut them to get the length you like.
Designed by Carol Porter for Ozark Handspun, January, 2009
Printing Instructions: To print this pattern click Ozark_Feather_Vest.pdf.
Pattern: Ozark Bullet Proof Baby

Photo by: Joyce Eveler
4 Skeins Ozark Companion Yarn (shown in Acorn)
4 Skeins Ozark Opulent Yarn (shown in Bulletproof)
1 Pair US Size 13 Knitting needles
1 Pair US Size 19 Knitting needles
20” wide by 21” long
GAUGE 2.75=1” in Ozark Companion
Back: With a #13 needle, cast on 63 sts with the Ozark Companion doubled. Work in rib as follows:
RS: K3 *P1, K3* to end of row.
WS: K1, *P1, K3*, P1, K1 to end of row. (Pattern is a multiple of 4 plus 3.)
At 12 1/2”, decrease 8 sts each side. Continue until sweater measures a total of 21”. BO loosely.
Front: With a #13 needle, cast on 32 sts with the Companion doubled. Work as above. At 19 ½”, BO 4 sts, followed by 3 sts twice on every other row at neck edge.. At 21”, BO the remaining 14 sts. Repeat for other side, reversing shaping.
Sleeves: On a #19 needle, cast on 20 sts.with Opulent. Knit every row for 16” BO loosely. Cut remaining Opulent into 5”-6” pieces and tie on thickly. I do every st.
Finishing: Weave together shoulder seams. Sew tops of sleeves to shoulder. Weave together side seams and sleeve seams. I like the clean edges of this jacket; so I did not finish the edges or add buttons.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Pattern: Ozark Rocker

Photo by: Joyce Eveler
Sizes: Small (Medium, Large, Extra-Large)
3 skeins Ozark Handspun Opulent in complimentary colors
1 skein Ozark Handspun Companion in complimentary colors
1 pair US Size 19, 24 inch circular knitting needles
1 pair US Size 17, 24 inch circular knitting needles
1 pair US Size 10 or 10.5, 24 inch circular knitting needles
1 Tapestry Needle
1 Large Button or Closure
Using US Size 19 needles and Ozark Opulent color, cast on 64 (69, 74, 80) stitches.
Row 1: Using US Size 19 needles, knit.
Row 2: Knit.
Row 3: Switch to US Size 17 knitting needles, knit.
Row 4: Switch to Ozark Companion and knit.
Row 5: Knit.
Repeat rows 2-5 using Ozark Opulent and Ozark Companion to achieve 7 repeats. Last row will end with Ozark Companion.
Switch to US Size 10 or 10.5 needles and staying with Ozark Companion, knit one row.
Next row: Knit 5 stitches, purl 54 (59, 64, 70) stitches, knit last 5 stitches. Repeat for 15.5 (16, 16.5, 17) inches.
Switch to US Size 17 needles and repeat rows 2-5 (above) ending with Ozark Opulent to achieve the same 7 color changes as in the beginning.
Switch to US Size 19 needles and knit one row, cast off loosely.
Finishing: Fold garment in half from top to bottom. Using Ozark Opulent and tapestry needle sew Opulent/Companion rows together on each side.
Sew button on left side 3 inches in at the seam.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Pattern: Ozark Not So Mad Max

Photo by: Joyce Eveler
Tap into your untamed side with these boot cut leg warmers. Feeling extra fiery? Wear them on your arms and let your inner wild child come out to play!
2 skeins Ozark Companion
1 skein Ozark Opulent
Set of 5 DPNs, size 10
Tapestry needle
Crochet hook size I
Using Ozark Companion CO 48s (12 on each needle) Join for knitting in the round
r 1-6: *(k4, p4,) rpt from *
r 7: * (yo, k2tog, k2, yo, p2tog, p2,) rpt from *
r 8-13: * (k4, p4) rpt from *
r 14 – 19: k5, p2, *(k6, p2), rpt from * to last s, k1
r 20-31: k
r 32: *(k1, m1, k11) rpt from *
r 33 – 42: k
r 43: *(k1, m1, k12), rpt from *
r 44-49: k
r 50: *(k1, m1, k13), rpt from *
r 51-55: k
r 56: *(k1, m1, k14), rpt from *
r 57- 61: k
r 62: *(k1, m1, k15), rpt from *
r 63- 67: k
Weave in loose ends
Finishing: (for each warmer) Using Ozark Opulent cut 3 lengths of Ozark Opulent, 1 yard each
Weave all three strands through the holes made in row 7, tie on side.
Cut Ozark Opulent fringe 5 ½ inches long.
Using crochet hook, attach 2 strands of fringe to every 3rd stitch of the BO edge.
With Ozark Companion on your tapestry needle, stitch 2nd row of fringe on in the following manner 6 rows above the BO edge: Holding fringe lengthways, stitch on piece of fringe in the middle. Then fold the top ½ of fringe back down over the stitch and stitch again. Each piece of fringe will be double stitched in order to ensure security. Fringe ends up being about 2 ½ inches long doubled in this manner. Repeat around the entire warmer.
Pattern: Ozark Not Your Grandma's Carpet Bag
2 skeins Ozark Companion
1 skein Ozark Opulent
10 ½ circular needles (20 inch)
stitch holder or string
Stitch marker
Size N crochet hook
2 12 inch wooden handles
Tapestry needle
Working with 2 strands of Ozark Companion doubled, CO 60s
K 10 rows (g st)
P 1 row
PU 72 s around the base (6s side, 60s back, 6s side) You now have 132s on needle
PM and join for knitting in the round
K 2 rnds even
Break off 1 strand of yarn (remaining knitting will be done with one strand)
K in sts (knit all rnds) until you’ve used 1 skein, join 2nd skein
K 1 rnd
*k11, k2tog, repeat from * to end of rnd
k 5 rnds even
*k10, k2tog, repeat to end of rnd
k 5 rnds – this is the end of knitting in the round
k 51s and place on holder or string
BO 4
K 55 s, turn work
BO 4 s
K 10 rows and BO
Return to the 60 s on holder, place on needle
K 10 rows and BO
Weave in all loose ends.
(You will have left over Ozark Companion yarn. Save it for finishing work)
Felting/Fulling: Place piece in a cotton pillow case and pin closed. Place in washing machine with a pair of color fast jeans (adds friction). Set machine on low water setting and add a tiny bit of soap. Wash for 5 minutes using the hottest water and fastest agitation possible. Pull piece out and check it for sizing. This is a very hands on process as you’ll need to check the piece frequently (every couple of minutes) to make sure you get it the right size. You’ll only be lightly felting / fulling the bag, so it will only take about 8 – 10 minutes, but CHECK IT OFTEN! Machines are variable and so are felting times. When it’s the right size (I use the base of wooden handles as a sizing guide,) pin it back up in the pillow case and turn machine to the spin cycle and spin all the water out. Block to shape and air dry.
Finishing: Using tapestry needle and remaining Ozark Companion, stitch on wooden handles. Reserve approximately 3 yards of Ozark Companion for stitching on Ozark Opulent.
Using Ozark Opulent, crochet a single chain to desired length. This chain is the decorative pattern on the bag, so the more decoration you want, the longer your chain should be. I used about 2/3 of the skein of Ozark Opulent.
Lay chain out in a random pattern on the bag.
Using the Ozark Companion remaining from knitting the bag and the tapestry needle, tack the chain onto the bag (tacking down every other “link” of the chain.)
Pattern: Ozark Hip Shaker Supreme
Sizes: S (M, L)Size S shown
2 (2, 3)skeins Ozark Companion
1 (2, 2) skein Ozark Opulent
size 10 ½ needles (straight or circular)
size 15 needles
tapestry needle
2 1 ½ inch D rings
Body: Using 10 ½ needles, CO 138s (161, 184)
K 4 rows (g st)
Row 5: sl 1, k to end of row
Row 6: sl 1, p to end of row
Repeat rows 5 & 6 until piece measures 6” from CO (St st, slipping 1s on each row – this is the pattern)
*k 21, k2tog, repeat from * to end
k 5 rows in patt (St st, slipping 1s on each row)
*k 20, k2tog, repeat from * to end
k 5 rows in patt
*k 19, k2tog, repeat from * to end
k 5 rows in patt
*k 18, k2tog, repeat from * to end
k 5 rows in patt
*k 17, k2tog, repeat from * to end
k 5 rows in patt
*k 16, k2tog, repeat from * to end
k 5 rows in patt
K 5 (8, 11) rows, BO.
Weave in loose ends.
Belt: Using Ozark Companion and Ozark Opulent together, CO 4s on size 15 needles
K in g st (k all rows) until piece is 40” (43, 46) long.
Felting / Fulling directions: Place both pieces (body and belt) in a cotton pillow case and pin closedPlace in washing machine with a pair of color fast jeans (adds friction)
Set machine on low water setting and add a tiny bit of soap
Wash for 5 minutes using the hottest water and fastest agitation possible
Pull pieces out and check it for sizing. This is a very hands on process as you’ll need to check the pieces frequently (every couple of minutes) to make sure you get it the desired size. You’ll only be lightly felting / fulling the piece, so it will only take about 8 – 10 minutes, but CHECK IT OFTEN! Machines are variable and so are felting times. It’s better to stop the process too soon than too late.
When pieces are the desired size, pin pieces back up in the pillow case and turn machine to the spin cycle and spin all the water out.
Block to shape and air dry.
Cut remaining Ozark Opulent into 5 ¼” pieces for fringe
Stitch on each piece of fringe with Ozark Companion and tapestry needle in the following method:
Holding fringe perpendicular to the skirt, stitch on piece of fringe in the middle (1/2 off skirt, ½ on.) Then fold the top ½ of fringe back down and stitch again. Each piece of fringe will be double stitched in order to ensure security. Fringe ends up being about 2 ½ inches long doubled in this manner.
Using Ozark Companion and a tapestry needle, use a blanket stitch to sew belt to the top of the skirt. Each blanket stitch should be about ¼ inch long. Belt should be off center, 3 inches beyond edge of skirt on one side with a long tail on the other end.
Slip both D rings onto the short end of the belt, double the belt back and stitch in place.
designed by Sarah Kohl for Ozark Handspun, November 2008
Printing Instructions: To print this pattern, click this link Ozark HipShaker Supreme.pdf.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Pattern: Ozark Pumpkin Bag
Abbreviations: CO=cast on; BO=bind off; sts=stitches; k=knit; p=purl; kfb=knit if front and back; PM=place marker; SM=slip marker; k2tog=knit 2 together; ssk= slip, slip, knit); M=make knit stitch
Gauge: 3 1/2 - 4 1/2 sts approximately per inch using size US 13 32 inch circular needles.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Pattern: Ozark Circle Purse
3 Skeins Ozark Handspun Opulent or Yarn
1 Bag Ozark Brambles
1/2 yard Ozark Felted Fabric
1 Bone Bead (minimum 1 inch)
1 Pair leather handles
1 10 inch zipper
1/2 yard fabric
1 Pair US Size 17 knitting needles
1 US Size **********crochet hook
Stitch holders
1 Tapestry needle
Trim Yarn
Optional: 1 Muench leather flower
*Using Ozark Handspun and US size ************ crochet hook, ch 6, sl st to form ring.
Row 1: Sc 12 sts into ring.
Row 2: 2 sc into each st.
Repeat row 2 until piece measures 9 inches in diameter. Cast off.
Repeat from * to make a second piece.
Side Vents: Using Ozark Handspun and US Size 17 knitting needles, cast on 8 sts. Knit for 20 inches.******************
Next row: Knit 4 stitches. Place stitch holder on remaining 4 stitches.
Knit for 10 inches. Bind off. (This is the opening for the zipper.)
Pick up stitches on stitch holder. Knit 4 stitches. Knit for 10 inches. Bind off.
Sew to the beginning of the vent creating a circle.
Finishing: Using Ozark Handspun, US Size ************* crochet hook, one round piece and the vent, sc 3, dc 3 in the next stitch around each circle to attach to each side of the vent. Bind off. Repeat for other side. You now have a circle in the back and a circle in the front of the purse. Using a back stitch and the needle and thread attach the zipper to the openig in the vent. Place your leather handles at the op of each circle. They should be in the center of the zipper opening.
Lining: Cut out two circles with a 10 inch diameter. This allows a half inch seam on the edge. Cut a piece of fabric 5 inch by 30 inches. Seam the bottom of the strip, fold it in half and cut an 11 inch strip in the center (this is where you will place it over the zipper in your bag.) Slip stitch it in place. Sew the edges of the curcle to the strip using a half inch seam allowance. If you do this by hand, use a back stitch. Place the lining inside the purse (remember to put the wrong side of the lining and wrong side of the purse together.) Position the zipper opening of the lining over the zipper and back stitch in place.
Embellishments: On the front side of the purse, make a center ring with the trim yarn using the US size ************* crochet hook, ch8, then 16 sc into the ring. Sew in the ceter of the bag. Using Ozark Brambles and the crochet hook, weave the Brambles on the front of the bag. Tug them to make sure they are secure. Position the feathers on one side of the ring and sew the leather flower in place. Attach the bead to the zipper pull. Make a pom-pom and attach to the bead.
Designer notes: this bag lends itself to many different emellishments. Just have fun! You can use buttons, beads, flowers or anything that pleases you to finish this. You can also leave it plain or add a cell phone pocket.
designed by L. Leslie Designs for Ozark Handspun, October 2008
Printing Instructions: To print this pattern, click Ozark_Circle_Purse.pdf.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Pattern: Ozark Danish Shawl
10-15 Skeins Ozark Handspun Opulent in 3 coordinating colors
1 Set US Size 10 Knitting Needles
1 US Size L or larger Crochet Hook
Row Markers
Gauge: 8 stitches per 4 inches; 16 rows per 4 inches
Size Chart: X Large 160 rows; Large 144 rows; Medium 128 rows; Small 112 rows
Notes: This piece is started in the center and worked in one piece in garter stitch. Increase every other row creating two triangles with 3 stitches as the center point. It is best to mark the right side. Slip-stitch the first stitch on every row. The border is a single crochet around the entire shawl. Yarn over increase occurs on the right side on every other row. Increase two times at the beginning of the row after the third stitch, two times in the middle either side of the 3 center stitches and two times at the end of the row before the last 3 stitches. Yarn-overs are knitted through the back loop on the wrong side on both edges of the shawl. Yarn-over increases create a vertical row of holes down the middle of the shawl on either side of the three center stitches. The size of the shawl is determined by the number of rows with the gauge depending upon how long you desire the back.
Cast on 7 stitches. Knit 3 rows garter stitch.
Row 4: Knit 1, yarn over, knit 1, yarn over, place marker, knit 3, yarn over, knit 1, yarn over, knit 1.
Row 5: Slip first stitch, knit.
Row 6: Knit 2, yarn over, knit 1, yarn over, knit 3, yarn over, knit 1, yarn over, knit 2.
Row 7: Slip first stitch, knit.
Row 8: Knit 3, yarn over, knit 1, yarn over, place marker, knit 3, yarn over, knit 1, yarn over, knit 3.
Row 9: Slip first stitch, knit.
Row 10: Knit 3, yarn over, knit 1, yarn over, knit 1, yarn over, palce marker, knit 3, yarn over, knit 1, yarn over, knit 1, yarn over, knit 3.
Row 11: Slip first stitch, knit.
Row 12: Knit 3, yarn over, knit 1, yarn over, knit 1, yarn over, palce marker, knit 3, yarn over, knit 1, yarn over, knit 1, yarn over, knit 3.
Row 13: Slip first stitch, knit.
Repeat rows 12 and 13 until the desired size/length is reached.
Note: Be sure to yarn over on the right side of your work. Yarn-overs are knitted through the back loop on the wrong side on both edges of the shawl.
Finishing: Single crochet around the entire edge of the shawl.Ties: Cut yarn into 12-20 inch lengths. Braid 6 strands together and tie off at one end, tie onto shawl with the free end.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Pattern: McKenzie's Swing Coat
Size --Coat ---CO --Front --Sleeve --Back ----MC ------Ozark ------Ozark
2t ----18 -----18 ----1 --------2 ------8 ----236/2 -------34/1 -------2
4t ----19 -----18 ----1 -------2 -------8 ----280/2 -------34/1 -------2
6 -----20 ----24 ----1 -------4 ------10 ----300/2 -------34/1 -------2
8 -----22 -----24 ---1 -------4 ------10 ----347/3 -------68/2 -------3
10 ---24 -----26 ----1 -------4 ------12 ----394/3 -------68/2 -------3
Adult Sizes
4 ----26 -----26 ----1 -------4 ------12 -----449/4 -------68/2 ------3
6 ----28 -----26 ----1 -------4 ------12 -----556/4 ------102/3 ------3
8 ----29 -----26 ----1 -------4 ------12 -----599/5 -----102/3 -------3
10 --30 ------26 ----1 ------4 -------12 -----662/5 -----102/3 ------3
12 ---31 -----28 ----1 ------4 -------14 -----678/5 -----102/3 -------3
14 ---32 -----28 ----1 ------4 -------14 -----727/6 -----136/4 -------3
16 ---33 -----28 ----1 ------4 -------14 -----786/6 -----136/4 -------3
18 ---34 -----28 ----1 ------4 -------14 -----815/6 -----136/4 -------3
20 --34 ------34 ----1 ------6 -------16 -----850/7 -----136/4 -------3
Pattern: Ozark Circle Jacket

This circular vest is worked from the center, beginning with the use of DPNs and changing to longer circular needles as required. If making a larger vest, you may need a 60 inch long size 10 circular needle to accommodate all stitches on needles.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Pattern: Ozark Knit Cap and Wristlets
Skill Level: Easy
Size: Medium, Large
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Pattern: Ozark Handspun Eco-Capelet

Short Description: This charming little capelet is knitted using Ozark Handspun Yarn in Dark Natural and natural roving which are eco-friendly products. A recycled leather pin was used as a whimsical closure.
Skill Level: Easy
Sizes: One Size fits most.
Finished Measurements: Approximately 43 inches wide by 22 inches long.
Gauge: 1.5 stitches per inch in Stockinette St.
Abbreviations: CO=cast on; K=knit; P=purl; BO=bind off; RS=right side; WS=wrong side; sc=single crochet; dc=double crochet.
Notes or tips: When casting on and binding off, keep tension loose. When crocheting edging, use a relaxed tension.
3 Skeins Ozark Handspun Yarn
1 Roll Ozark Handspun Pencil Roving
1 Pair US size 15 Circular knitting needles, 24 inches
1 US size Q crochet hook
1 Recycled pin for closure
Holding one strand of Ozark Handspun pencil roving and one strand of Ozark Handspun together, loosely cast on three stitches.
Row 1: (WSW) Purl.
Row 2: (RS) Increase in first stitch, knit to last stitch. Increase in last stitch.
Rows 3-22: Repeat rows 1 and 2.
Rows 23-26: Increase one stitch at beginning and end of each row.
Row 27: Knit this row until there are 12 stitches remaining.
Row 28: Purl this row until there are 12 stitches remaining.
Row 29: Knit the stitches between the 12 stitches on each end of row.
Row 30: Purl the stitches between the 12 stitches on each end of row.
Row 31: Knit to the end of row (including 12 stitches at end.)
Row 32: Purl to end of row (including 12 stitches at end.)
Row: Break off Ozark Handspun yarn and with remaining strand of Ozark pencil roving, very loosely bind off. Fasten off and bury end.
Crocheted Edging: Using US size Q crochet hook and with wide edge of capelet facing you, attach Ozark Handspun at the corner edge. Chain 2, *dc into next stitch, dc twice into next stitch, repeat from * across to end. This will create a collar for your capelet.
Leaving yarn attached, sc into each stitch around the two edges remaining to finish off. Fasten off and bury ends. Use a recycled pin of your choice to ace as a closure.
designed by Janice Rosema for Ozark Handspun, January 2008
Printing Instructions: To print click Ozark Handspun Eco Capelet.
Pattern: Ozark Knitted Neckwarmer

Pattern: Ozark Crocheted Curly Wool Hat
1 Skein Manos del Uruguay (139yd)--you can also knit from your stash using your worsted weight yarn of choice as I did here.
1 US size Q crochet hook
1 US size K crochet hook
Size: One size fits most but can be sized as explained instructions.
Abbreviations: Ch=chain; sc=single crochet; dc=double crochet; sl st=slip stitch; st(s)=stitch(es); tog=together
Top: Using US size Q crochet hook and Ozark Handspun, ch3 and sl st tog to form a ring.
Round 1: Ch3, sc 10 sts into the center ring, sl st tog into top of ch3 to join.
Round 2: Ch3, *dc into next st, dc2 into next st, repeat from * to end of round, sl to tog into top of ch3 to join.
Round 3: Ch3, *dc into next 3 sts, dc2 into next st, repeat from * to end of round, sl st tog into top of ch3 to join.
Round 4: Ch3, *dc into next 5 sts, dc2 into next st, repeat from * to end of round, sl st tog into top of ch3 to join.
Repeat round 4 until you have used up the skein of yarn. Do not be concerned that the shape is perfect as this is what gives the hat charm.
Band: Now, changing to Manos or other worsted weight yarn of choice and using US size K crochet hook, attach yarn, ch2, *sc into next st, skip 1, sc into next st, repeat from * to end of round. Sl st tog into top of ch2 to join. At this point, the hat will begin shaping for fit. This will be controlled by how many decreases are done in subsequent rows. Take care not to get the fit too tight, you should be able to comfortably insert two fingers between the band. Once you are satisfied with the fit, cintinue in the following manner.
Next Rows: Sc evenly for each round for approximately ten rows. Make sure the hat hits just below the top of your ears as that will make for a comfortable fit and also allow you to pull it down when it is cold outside. Cut yarn, fasten off and bury ends.
designed by Janice Rosema for Ozark Handspun, December 2007
Printing Instructions: To print click Ozark Crocheted Curly Wool Hat.
Pattern: Ozark Wrap
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Pattern: Ozark Mobius Shawl
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Pattern: Ozark Apple Peel Sweater
Skill Level: Easy
Sizes: Small to large depending on how you drape the scarves and your body shape before sewing together.
4 (4,5) Skeins Ozark Handspun for small size (medium,large)
2 (2,3) different worsted weight yarns of your choice
1 pair US Size 17-19 inch circular knitting needles
1 pair US Size 35 knitting needles
1 US Size P crochet hook
Stitch markers
Measuring tape
Stitch holder
Tapestry Needle
Note: When switching between worsted weight yarns knitted on size 17 needles and Ozark Handspun knitted on US Size 35 needles, you will have 20 stitches in worsted weight and 10 stitches in Ozark Handspun. Note this in instructions.
Using US Size 17 needles and one of the worsted weight yarns, cast on 20 stitches, knit 6 rows, break off yarn and add second worsted weight yarn, knit 4 rows, break off yarn.
Change to US Size 35 needles and add Ozark Handspun, knit 2 together across row (you will now have 10 stitches on needles. Knit 2 rows with Ozark Handspun, break off yarn. Change back to US Size 17 needles and using one of the worsted weight yarns, knit, increasing in each stitch until there are 20 stitches on needle. Continue in this manner until you have a piece measuring approximately 65 inches, bind off loosely, break off yarn. Fasten off and bury ends.
Using the US Size P crochet hook, single crochet around edge of scarf. Fasten off and bury ends.
In the same fashion, create a second scarf. When on last row, place the remaining 20 stitches on a holder and break off yarn. When crocheting around edge leave this area undone as this will allow adjustments in fit and drape of sweaters later.
Finishing: Take scarves and place finished ends of scarves on your shoulders with longer length down your back. Pin each of these pieces at point where you desire neckline in front. Now, take the finished scarf and begin to drape around your body at a diagonal angle (having a friend help makes this whole process easier.) Pin in place. Wrap second scarf around your body lining it up with the first scarf in terms of edges meeting and pin as you go. You will end up with a little "fishtail" effect in the back which can be lessened or added to where you have left the stitches on the holder. When it has the desired effect, finish off that area of the scarf. Whip stitch these scarves together on the diagonal and at the neckline areas. Using Ozark Handspun, single crochet around the neckline and (if you desire a sleeveless sweater) around the sleeve openings.
In the event you desire sleeves, using US Size 17 needles and worsted weight yarn, pick up an even number of stitches around sleeve openings (count these on each sleeve opening before beginning as they may vary a bit and will require either a few increases or a few decreases to match them up so keep this in mind.) Join stitches being careful not to twist them, place beginning of row marker and knit until sleeve is length desired. Bind off loosely and bury ends. Using US Size P crochet hook and Ozark Handspun, single crochet a row around edge of sleeve. Slip stitch together and fasten off and bury ends.
Designed by Janice Rosema for Ozark Handspun, December 2007
Printing Instructions: To print click Ozark Apple Peel Sweater.
Pattern: Ozark Fashion Capelet
Skill Level: Easy
Size: One size fits most.
3 Skeins Ozark Handspun yarn
1 set US Size 15-24 inch circular knitting needles
1 US Size Q crochet hook
Several stitch markers
1 Fastener-millinery flower pin, shawl pin, vintage pin or other type of your choosing
Cast on 10 stitches using US Size 15-24 inch circular needles and Ozark Handspun yarn.
(WS) Row 1: Purl.
(RS) Row 2: Increase in first stitch, knit across until one stitch remains, increase last stitch.
Rows 3-21: Repeat rows 1 and 2.
Rows 22-25: Increase once in each row at beginnng and end of row.
Row 26: Knit until 12 stitches reamin, place marker.
Row 27: Purl back until 12 stitches remain, place marker.
Row 28: Knit stitches between the markers.
Row 29: Purl stitches between the markers.
Row 30: Knit to end of row, removing marker.
Row 31: Purl to end of row, removing marker.
Bind off loosely. Break off yarn and bury ends.
Collar: Using US Size Q crochet hook, with wide edge of capelet facing you, attach yarn at corner edge. Chain 2, * double crochet into next stitch, double crochet twice into next stitch, repeat from * across to end. Leave yarn attached and single crochet around remainder of capelet ending up where you initially attached the yarn. Fasten off and bury ends.
Finishing: Make sure all your ends are fastened off and buried. Next, use millinery flower pin, shawl pin or vintage pin to fasten front together.
designed by Janice Rosema for Ozark Handspun, January 2008
Printing Instructions: To print click Ozark Fashion Capelet.
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Pattern: Ozark Shruglet
Skill Level: Easy
Sizes: Small to Large
Finished Measurements: Small-40x39 inches; medium-50x39 inches; large-63x39 inches. These are approximate measurements as gauge is not that critical in this garment.
Gauge: Approximately 1 and one-half stitches per inch in both yarns.
4 (4,5) Skeins Ozark Handspun Yarn
1 (1,1) Skein Noro Silk Garden
1 Set US Size 15 24-inch circular needles
1 Set US Size 15 19-inch circular needles
1 US Size P Crochet hook
1 Shawl pin or decorative closure
1 Measuring tape
1 pair scissors
1 Tapestry needle
Stitch markers
Notes or tips: When knitting, cast on and bind off in a relaxed fashion. When knitting with the Noro, knit loosely as you want to have a very open lacy look to the sleeves.
Body: Using Size 15 24-inch circular needles and Ozark Handspun, cast on 60 (66,70) st.
(Wrong side) Row 1: Knit across.
(Right side) Row 2: Purl across.
Repeat rows 1 and 2 three times (reverse stockinette stitch) ending on the wrong side.
(Right side) Continue knitting in stockinette fashion until piece measures approximately 18 inches.
Repeat reverse stockinette stitch as above until piece measures approximately 20 inches.
Bind off loosely on right side of knitting. Fasten off and bury ends.
Sleeves: Find the center of the body of shruglet and place a marker. Using size 15 19-inch circular needles and Noro, pick up 30 stitches from the right edge of garment for all sizes (small ending at center marker, medium 3 stitches before cetner marker and large 5 stitches before cernter marker.) Join stitches being careful not to twist them, place beginning of row marker.
Knit in circular fashion until sleeve measures approximately 13 inches. At this point, you will decrease evenly in this row to end up with 27 stitches on needles (for all sizes.) Continue knitting until piece measures approximately 16 inches and decrease evenly in this row to end up with 22 stitches on needles (for all sizes.) Loosely bind off.
Create a second sleeve in similar fashion beginning from the center marker when making a size small (medium 3 stitches to the left of center marker, large 5 stitches to the left side of center marker) and ending at the left edge of body of garment. When sleeve is complete, bind off.
Using remaining Ozark Handspun, single crochet two rows at sleeve edge. Fasten off and bury ends. For the stitches between the sleeves at the back of shruglet body, fill in with one row of single crochet using Ozark Handspun. Fasten off and bury ends.
At this point, make sure all your ends are buried and add a wonderful millinery flower or shawl pin as a fastener.
Designed by Janice Rosema for Ozark Handspun, December 2007
Printing Instructions: To print click Ozark Shruglet.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Pattern: Ozark Feathers and Fluff Bag

3-4 skeins of Ozark Handspun Yarn, depending upon thickness desired
1 pair US Size 35 needles (Size 19 is fine if you prefer a desner texture)
1 Set purse handles
Sewing needle
Using the #35 needles, cast on 18 sts and knit for 19 inches.
Cut one or two skeins of Ozark in 6 inch lengths. Tie one piece to each stitch in the purse. You may need more than one skein for this. Glue in feathers randomly. Let dry following directions o n the glue bottle. Sew sides of purse together and secure handle(s). Make a fabric envelope to fit and sew inside purse.
Source for feathers, The Feather Place, (213) 291-3253,
Source for glue, Aleene's Fabric Fusion Glue at Michael's.
Designed by Carol Porter for Ozark Handspun, November 2007
Printing Instructions: To print click Ozark Feathers and Fluff Bag.
Pattern: Ozark Tortoise Shell Handle Bag

2 Skeins of Ozark Handspun Yarn
1 Pair Size US 19 Knitting Needles
1 Pair Tortoise Shell Purse Handles
1 US Size P or S Crochet Hook
1/8 yd of Fabric for lining
1 standard sewing needle
Using the US size 19 needles, cast on 22 sts. Knit to 19 inches and bind off loosely.
Finishing: Secure handles in place using the crochet hook. Single crochet the length of the opening of the handle. Crochet the first row to the purse where the handle is to be placed then continue to crochet the length you need to put through the opening in the handle and secure back to the beginning of the crochet. this will give you a very sturdy connection together. Fold purse in half and sew sides together. Make a fabric envelope and sew inside the purse.
Optional: Glue in feathers in a group as shown in the photo.
Designed by Carol Porter for Ozark Handspun, November 2007
Printing Instructions: To print click Ozark Tortoise Shell Handbag.
Pattern: Ozark Leafy Scarf
2 Skeins Ozark Handspun Yarn
1 Skein cashmere
1 Pair US Size 35 Knitting Needles
1 set US Size 8 double pointed needles (Optional: Wonder Knitter by Clover)
INSTRUCTIONS: Using Ozark Handspun yarn and Size 35 needles, cast on 8 sts. Knit until both skeins of Ozark have been used.
Using the double pointed needles or the Wonder Knitter and the cashmere yarn, knit the i-cord to 2 3/4 yds long. Use the remaining cashmere to make the leaves small, medium and large.
Large Leaf: Cast on 5 sts.
Row 1: RS, K2, yo, k1, yo, k2 (7 sts.)
Row 2 and all WS rows, purl.
Row 3: K3, yo, k1, yo, k3 (9 sts.)
Row 5: K4, yo, k1, yo, k4 (11 sts)
Row 7: K5, yo, k1, yo, k4 (13 sts)
Row 9: Ssk, k9, k2tog (11 sts)
Row 11: Ssk, k7, k2tog (9 sts)
Row 13: Ssk, k5, k2tog (7 sts)
Row 15: Ssk, k3, k2tog (5 sts)
Row 17: Ssk, k1, k2tog (3 sts)
Row 19: Sl1, k2tog, psso (1 st) Bind off.
Medium Leaf: Cast on 5 sts. Follow directions for large leaf rows 1-6, then skip to rows 11-19.
Small Leaf: Cast on 5 sts. Follow directions for large leaf rows 1-2, then skip to rows 15-19.
FINISHING: Place i-cord on scarf as though it were a vine. Pin in place and sew with thread.
Place leaves next to cord and sew in place. Vary the sizes and number of leaves. See photo.
Designed by Carol Porter for Ozark Handspun, November 2007
Printing Instructions: To print click Ozark Leafy Scarf.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Pattern: Ozark Handspun and Dune Scarf

2 Skeins Ozark Handspun yarn
1 Louet Kidlin
1 Trendsetter Dune
1 Pair US Size 17 Needles
1 Pair US Size 35 Needles
1 US Size P Crochet Hook
Measurements: 10 x 72 inches
INSTRUCTIONS: Using Size 17 needles, cast on 20 sts in Trendsetter Dune. Knit 4 rows.
Cut and tie on Louet Kidlin. Knit 6 rows.
Cut and tie on Ozark Handspun. Switch to US Size 35 needles, k2tog across row (10 sts.) Knit 3 rows.
Cut Ozark Handspun yarn and tie on Louet Kidlin. Switch to size 17 needles and increase 1 st in each st across the row (20 sts). Knit 4 rows.
Cut and tie on Trendsetter Dune. Knit 6 rows.
Cut and tie on Ozark Handspun. Switch to US Size 35 needles, k2tog across row (10 sts.) Knit 3 rows.
Repeat pattern to 72 inches.
Finishing: Using Size P crochet hook, single crochet Ozark Handspun yarn loosely around the entire edge of the piece. (Recommended only for the scarf.)
Options: Feel free to vary the striping pattern as you wish. As is, the completed scarf has 40 rows of Ozark, 60 rows of Kidlin and 54 rows of Dune with leftovers of Dune and Kidlin for additional rows. If you want to add more rows of Ozark Handspun you will need another skein.
If you would rather make a wrap (shawl) than a scarf, simply double the number of sts and buy one more skein of each of the yarns listed above.
Designed by Carol Porter for Ozark Handspun, October 2007
Printing Instructions: To print click OH and Dune Scarf.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Pattern: Ozark Prince Edward Piece

2 Skeins Ozark Handspun yarn
1 Pair Size US 50 Knitting Needles
Optional: 25 yards of Hanah Silk Ribbons
For the length, put your arms down at your side and measure from the center of your chest around your arms and back to the center of your chest.
Subtract 3 inches from this measurement to get the length.
The width will be 16 inches wide when worn.
Using Ozark Handspun yarn, cast on 14 sts with the Size US 50 needles.
Knit until you have reached the length previously measured.
Bind off loosely.
Finishing: Place the short ends of the wrap side by side. Flip one end over to give the wrap the twist.
Pin the two short ends together and try the garment on. It should fit snugly around the shoulders.
If you are satisfied with the fit, weave the two ends together.
Cut the Hanah Silk ribbons in 5 inch lengths and tie as thickly as possible around the top and the bottom of the wrap.
Knitting tip: This is a very open top. If you want to knit one that is warmer, simply knit with a US Size 35 needle. You will need to recalculate the gauge and the number of stitches.
Designed by Carol Porter for Ozark Handspun, August 2007
Printing Instructions: To print click Ozark Prince Edward Piece.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Pattern: Ozark Ruffle Wrap

2 Skeins Ozark Handspun yarn
2 skeins Kidlin yarn by Louet in worsted weight
1 pair size US 50 needles
1 pair size US 15 needles
1 pair size US 17 circular needles
Using size 50 needles and Ozark yarn, cast on 1 st. Knit. Increase 1 in this st (2 sts). Increase 1 in both of those sts. Thereafter, increase one st in the first and last sts of each row until you run out of yarn. BO loosely. Stretch each side to loosen it up. Block out to the maximum size. Steam lightly.
Using size 15 needles and Kidlin yarn, pick up as many sts as possible along one side only. Switch to the circular #17 needles and increase 1 st in each st across the row. Do this for a total of three rows. BO loosely. Do the same for the remaining two sides. It will be tight but you will have enough room on the needles for the sts on the longest side. Weave together the ends at the three corners.
So flattering and easy to wear!
Designed by Carol Porter for Ozark Handspun, Fall 2007
Printing Instructions: To print click Ozark Ruffle Wrap.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Pattern: Ozark Clutch Bag

Saturday, October 13, 2007
Pattern: Ozark Stole
Friday, September 7, 2007
Pattern: Ozark Southwest Capelet

Note: To create random knitting pattern rows, refer to any stitch dictionary and use designs of your choice such as Seed Stitch, Drop Stitch, Garter Stitch or Stockinette Stitch.
FRONT: Using US Size 11 needles, cast on 50 sts. using worsted weight yarn.
Rows 1-8: Knit (subsequent bands of color can vary in number of rows as you choose.)
There are approximately 7 bands of color in each front panel.
Switch yarn, continue random bands of knitting with various stitch patterns as noted above. Change colors at beginning of rows as you desire. Include 2 or 3 randomly placed rows of drop stitches (Ozark Handspun yarn will be woven through these later.)
Continue in this fashion until piece measures about 20 inches. Bind off and bury ends.
Next, create a second panel measuring about 20 inches using the same guidelines varying the placement of colors and stitches so the resulting piece will coordinate with but not match the first piece. When completed, bind off and bury ends.
BACK: Using US Size 11 needles, cast on 22 sts. Knit in random patterns and colors as done for previous sections. Do not use drop stitches in this piece.
Row 1: Knit in front and back of first stitch, knit across until two stitches remain and K2tog.
Row 2: Purl.
Repeat rows 1 and 2 until piece measures approximately 30 inches.
FINISHING: Using Ozark Handspun yarn, weave through drop stitches, creating loops that will be tacked in place with a contrasting color of worsted weight yarn. With right sides facing and using a coordinating yarn, sew pieces together. Next, cut approximately 8 inch lengths of Ozark Handspun yarn and attach fringe to bottom edge of back and along seam lines to create a textured edge.
Using US Size N crochet hook and Ozark Handspun, loosely single crochet along front and neckline edges leaving a length of Ozark measuring approximately 7 to 8 inches.
Using Ozark Handspun cut into approximately 7 inch lengths attach fringe to front edge. Create button fastening with worsted weight yarn, chain 3-4 sts (depending on size of button) and then single crochet around the chains to form a nice button loop. Sew button in place. Fasten off and bury ends.
Designed by Janice Rosema for Ozark Handspun, August 2007
Printing Instructions: To print click Ozark Southwest Capelet.